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A report published by the United Nations shows that 733 million people, equivalent to 9.1% of the world's population, suffer from chronic malnutrition.

Infant mortality rates have increased in recent years.

Previously eradicated diseases, such as diphtheria and measles, have resurfaced.

These challenges have had a significant impact on the health of the population, especially children, who face the greatest difficulties. For many, the support of local organizations represents a crucial source of medical care and well-being.

The health care system and the economy are in tatters. For many children, their only lifeline comes from local organizations that provide support for their medical care.


We provide our partners with the tools, resources and funds they need to carry out projects that have a tangible impact on the health of children.

From the provision of medical equipment, to the support of nutrition programmes and remote healthcare projects - we help our partners to protect children’s rights to happy, healthy, dignified lives.

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