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BASIC AND ADVANCED COMPUTER PROGRAMMING empowering young people in two secondary schools

BASIC AND ADVANCED COMPUTER PROGRAMMING empowering young people in two secondary schools

In 2022, in collaboration with our partner EDUCA, we launched a programme aimed at enhancing the digital literacy skills of students in their final year of high school, providing them with tools and knowledge to support their journey beyond school and into the work place. We began by offering basic and advanced programming courses at a secondary school during the academic year 2022-2023.

Driven by outstanding results at our first school, we expanded our programme to a further school in 2023 this September, with the goal of benefiting a greater number of young people.

Our programme involves equipping the schools with a new computer lab including computers, internet access, and Wi-Fi. Programming courses are delivered to students on a weekly basis from university students and other young professionals working in science, technology or maths related fields. These labs not only provide our students with access to programming courses, but serve as a resourceful educational space for the rest of the school community.

We are committed to grow our educational impact and reach even more schools in 2024, so we can support more children and young people!

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